
MSA Phase 1: apt - A Windows app for Auckland's public transport

This Windows 8.1 app was made as part of Microsoft Student Accelerator programme Phase 1 submissions to demonstrate learning over the short bootcamp sessions.

At this point in time, I had no experience with the Microsoft ecosystem, C# or XAML. Luckily it wasn't too hard and XAML markup was pretty easy to pick up with a background in HTML.

It took roughly three weeks of spare time outside of university studies to make this (around September 2015.) All of the design was from scratch; no stock images or app layout templates were used.

The app was never made public because at the time the API I used was not available openly (I believe that has now changed, but I will need to check and redo some of the code anyway.)

I still use the app myself on occasion, as it's a bit more reliable in presenting data compared to the official Auckland Transport app/website.

The page below was presented to the MSA judging team for assessment.

Microsoft Student Accelerator Phase 1

James Li

Windows Store Dev

Source Code + Screenshot + Description

apt is for Auckland's public transport.

All stops service.

Get access to every stop across Auckland - including bus, train and ferry.

You can even use your location to assist in finding a stop.

The future is now.

Get trips for your stop up to 2 hours ahead.

Real-time predictions provide both time estimates and the number of stops away* the service is.

* Stop sequence estimates only available on GPS-enabled bus services across Auckland.

Dude, where's my bus?

A first for a Windows app - apt has GPS location tracking* and route mapping for Auckland's public transport services.

Track your trip so you know exactly when it arrives.

* Live vehicle positioning only available on GPS-enabled bus services across Auckland when actively present on the network.

apt is for you.

Simple and personalisable.

Drag and drop to reorder your stops. Rename stops as you please.

An uncluttered interface presents the information you need most.

Put it to one side.

apt adapts to fit narrow widths, like when using Snap, to let you check your stop while you work or play.

Get apt.

apt is available as a Windows Store application for Windows 8.1 and above.

The source code can be obtained by emailing the author.

Bing Maps SDK for Windows 8.1 Store apps is required for compilation.
See included README for more details.

Please note that this application has limited data access that will expire after November 30, 2015.

Auckland Transport is in no way affiliated with and does not in any way endorse this app.

Data presented by this app is solely for reference, and the author bears no responsibility for consequences as a result of the use of this app.